Events and Notifications

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TrackMyFleet supports a number of different event types. Most events are generated on the server side based on the data reported by devices. There is a special alarm event type, which represents events directly reported by devices.

Each user can configure notifications for certain types of events. Notifications can be sent using one or multiple channels, like email, push notifications, SMS and other. A notification can be enabled for all devices or linked to individual devices or groups of devices. Events are generated and can be accessed using events report even if no notifications are configured for a certain device and type of event. Notifications can be configured in the settings menu:

Event Types

Command ResultA result of a command execution on the device. Support for results varies by protocol. Result details are stored in the result attribute.
Status OnlineDevice is connected to the server. This event type is not associated with a position.
Status UnknownDevice is connected, but has not reported any data for a period of time. It can also indicate that the device has not closed the connection gracefully.
Status OfflineDevice has disconnected from the server.
Device InactiveDevice has not reported any location data for a very long period of time. This event needs to be explicitly enabled using deviceInactivityStart and deviceInactivityPeriod attributes.
Device MovingDevice is moving. For more details on the logic see the motion documentation.
Device StoppedDevice has stopped. For more details on the logic see the motion documentation.
Speed Limit ExceededThis event is generated when a device exceeds the configured speed limit. The threshold value can be set using device, group or server speedLimit attribute.
Fuel DropSharp fuel level drop over fuelDropThreshold. Device has to support fuel level for this event to work.
Fuel IncreaseSharp fuel level increase over fuelIncreaseThreshold. Device has to support fuel level for this event to work.
Geofence EnteredDevice has entered a geofence area. The geofence has to be linked to a device or a group of devices.
Geofence ExitedDevice has exited a geofence area. The geofence has to be linked to a device or a group of devices.
AlarmThis event type represents any device-reported events/alarms. There are a large number of subtypes. Some alarms might duplicate events, but those are generated directly on the device vs events that are generated on the server side. See the section below for some alarm examples.
Ignition OnIgnition value has changed from off to on. This event requires the device to continuously report the ignition value.
Ignition OffIgnition value has changed from on to off. This event requires the device to continuously report the ignition value.
Maintenance RequiredEvent for periodic maintenance. It requires a special maintenance configuration in the settings. Maintenance schedule can be linked to a device or a group of devices.
Driver ChangedThis event is generated when the driver id changes. Driver identification has to be reported by the device. Just linking a driver in settings is not enough.
MediaEvent indicating that the device has uploaded some media data. It can be an image, a video or an audio file. Support varies by protocol.

Alarm Types

List of the most commonly used alarms. The list is not exhaustive.

GeneralA generic case when the device does not specify the type of alarm.
SOSPanic alarm. This type of alarm is usually generated by a button press on the device, but depends on the specific device model.
VibrationUsually this alarm is generated when a stationary device starts moving. Often it is based on the accelerometer sensor in the device.
OverspeedSpeeding alarm. It is similar to the speed limit exceeded event, but generated on the device, so it can be more accurate if your device supports it.
Low PowerExternal power supply voltage is low.
Low BatteryInternal battery level is low.
Geofence EnterSimilar to the server event, but generated on the device, so it can be more accurate if your device supports it.
Geofence ExitSimilar to the server event, but generated on the device, so it can be more accurate if your device supports it.
TamperingThe device is being tampered with. It usually indicates that someone has opened the device casing, but sensor type and trigger depends on the specific device model.